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Shine in your uniqueness.

Dance | Life Coaching

Shine with your uniqueness.

Dance | Life Coaching

News at a glance


Soul Motion Weekend for Women


Saturday morning
Nia Groove


Monday Movement Meditation

You are welcome just as you are!

Hi, I'm Chantal,

so nice that you are here!

Do you want to reach your full potential, relax, recharge your batteries, develop and grow? Do you want to set your priorities differently and pursue your dreams?


I create spaces that enable encounters and self-discovery, where you can joyfully perceive, feel and train your body. This helps you to recognize yourself as you are and to find out what you need to strengthen your relationship with yourself and to lovingly follow your own path.

My passion and my professional spectrum include both dance and personal development. As a Nia Teacher in Munich and Spiritual Life Coach, I work with the understanding that everything can be as it is and must first be perceived, recognized and understood before we can develop it further or change it. By changing the perspective, change processes are set in motion. All you need is the willingness to invest in yourself.

It's always the right time to start! I would be delighted to accompany you on your journey.

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Portrait of Chantal Gagnebin - Spiritual Life Coach in Munich
It is about how you want to feel. This is one of the biggest drivers.

Chantal Gagnebin

I support you

Item One

Feel your body, appreciate it and listen to it.

Item Two

To love yourself as you are and to develop your full potential.

Item Three

Acknowledge your history, allow yourself to have dreams and make them come true.

Item Four

Make confident decisions, see your own unique path, walk it and enjoy the journey.

My areas of activity
Dance | Life Coaching

What do you need?
How can I support you?

View into a deciduous tree, the sun shines through the leaves above

With my coaching programs, I support you in 1:1 sessions or in a group to gain new perspectives, find solutions and successfully shape change processes.

With my Nia courses, workshops and retreats, I invite you to move and train your body to music with joy and without pressure to perform.

Chantal Gagnebin in a Nia move with one hand forward

For you

Here you will find all information about my weekly Nia courses, the various workshops and retreats as well as my life coaching programs.

Customer testimonials

Iwona, Bielefeld

Spiritual Life Coaching


Change and growth Dear Chantal, working with you was very valuable for me. My expectations were exceeded because the results have taken me a long way along my path. With your open, warm-hearted manner and positive energy, you created a trusting relationship right from the start, in which I felt supported and at ease. In addition to your professional expertise, you have a special ability to intuitively recognize connections and patterns quickly and clearly. Your summaries are simply mega. Chapeau and thank you very much. I can only warmly recommend coaching with you!

Karin, Munich



A Nia class with Chantal is pure relaxation. Afterwards, I always feel like I've had a short vacation. The choreography is good for the brain and its flexibility. When I dance freely, I can “let it all out” and that's so good for me and my heart! Since I've been dancing Nia, I'm much more relaxed and at ease.

Britta, 41, Baierbrunn

Spiritual Life Coaching


Chantal really is a wonderful soul. Her questions in the coaching sessions are so good that she teases everything out of you and you are surprised at how much you know about yourself. I always gain so many new insights in every session. I would never get this far on my own. Chantal gives me a structure for my thoughts. So I have a goal for each session and, at the end, a result that I can work with. I highly recommend Chantal if you want to grow personally. It is so valuable!

Annika, 23, Berlin

Spiritual Life Coaching


Dear Chantal, thank you again for our coaching session yesterday. You meet me with a lot of understanding and open the space for me to dare to address my issues. I immediately feel at ease because you are attentive and summarize my words well. The meditation was very helpful as I was able to connect well with my inner child and come to a memory that has been holding me back for years. The summarizing text that you send after each session describes exactly what I experience and it is good to read and touches me very much. So thank you very much!

Nathalie, 31, Landshut

Spiritual Life Coaching


I am so grateful to Chantal for giving me the space to think big. Thanks to the coaching session with her, I no longer keep myself small. I can finally show myself in my full size without feeling bad about it. This is an incredible relief for every area of my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Chantal 🙏🏽

Stephanie, Munich



Chantal is a fantastic and motivating trainer, Nia with her is great fun. The dancing is seemingly effortless and playful, strength and stretching go hand in hand, and only afterwards do you realize that you've had a complete workout for the whole body. The joy of movement is back and your somewhat dusty motor skills improve from time to time!

Anna, 27, Hamburg

Spiritual Life Coaching 


Dear Chantal, many, many thanks for the intensive and enlightening coaching sessions! You manage to address ad-hoc problems with good impulses or small exercises as well as deeper issues. Through the guided meditations with you, I was able to imagine, among other things, a more vibrant and flourishing life. With your help, I am now working on making this feeling a reality. Thank you also for your summaries after the coaching sessions, which enabled me to reflect on the sessions afterwards and derive concrete next steps. THANK YOU!

Ria, Munich



Through you and your teaching style, I got to know and love Nia. A new life began for me then and continues to this day. 🌞 Now I can continue dancing with you. You can't imagine how happy it makes me. 🩷💓🩷💓

Richard, 35, Basel, Schweiz

Spiritual Life Coaching


My coaching with Chantal was very enriching and healing. I was able to recognize a new part of myself that had been suppressed for a long time. Thanks to Chantal, I was able to reintegrate and accept this part. I felt very comfortable in the coaching with Chantal and was therefore able to open up a lot. I would do another coaching session with her at any time. Thank you very much.

Jasmine, Munich



I look forward to every Wednesday with Nia with you, dear Chantal, since then I am as good as pain-free. I leave the class with positive life energy. Thank you ❣️

Katja, 43, Vancouver, Kanada

Spiritual Life Coaching


Your creative and playful approaches to illuminating and feeling inner issues have brought me a lot of clarity and shown me that it is precisely the inner connection to myself that I can freely shape and that gives me a lot of strength, security, confidence and joy in life. With your cheerful, open, curious and unbiased manner, you have given me a new perspective on unpleasant emotions and challenging situations. For the various topics, you always had a very effective technique to get to the core. In every coaching session you surprised me with something new. 😃 I think that's wonderful! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. ♥️

Anna, Munich



For me, Nia is a holistic workout that is good for the body, mind and soul. It relaxes and strengthens at the same time. Despite the specific instructions, there is still room for individual expression. And Chantal is a wonderful, motivating trainer who makes everyone feel comfortable, no matter how fit or advanced they are! I enjoy every lesson!

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What the participants say

Katja G., 38, Vancouver

Life Coaching | Spiritual Life Coaching® Deine kreativen und fast schon spielerischen Ansätze innere Themen zu beleuchten und hinein zu spüren, haben in mir viel Klarheit gebracht und mir aufgezeigt, dass es gerade diese innere Verbindung zu mir selbst ist, die ich frei gestalten kann und die mir viel Kraft, Sicherheit, Zuversicht und Lebensfreude geben kann. Du hast mir durch Deine fröhliche, offene, neugierige und unvoreingenommene Art eine ganz neue Perspektive auf unangenehme Emotionen und herausfordernde Situationen geschenkt. Ich finde es wirklich faszinierend, wie schnell ich durch Deine Anleitung in den Meditationen Kontakt mit verschiedenen inneren Anteilen aufnehmen kann, obwohl wir bis jetzt nur online gearbeitet haben. Für die verschiedensten Themen, die ich mit Dir bearbeitet habe, hast Du immer eine sehr effektive Technik gehabt, um an den Kern der Geschichte heranzukommen und um etwas aufzulösen, oder mir bewusst zu werden. In jeder Coaching-Session hast Du mich mit Neuem überrascht 😃 Das finde ich wunderbar! Ich bin Dir unheimlich dankbar für Deine klugen und anteilnehmenden Bemerkungen und es ist ein wahrer Schatz, Deine schriftlichen Zusammenfassungen von jeder Session zu haben. Mir gefällt auch, dass Du von mir für jede Sitzung ganz konkrete Ziele einforderst, denn so sind die Fortschritte auf den verschiedenen Ebenen leicht zu erkennen und das gibt mir das Gefühl voranzukommen und mehr Klarheit zu erlangen. Ich freue mich schon sehr auf unsere kommenden coaching sessions.

Nathalie G., 31, Landshut

Life Coaching | Spiritual Life Coaching® I am so grateful to Chantal for giving me the space to think big. Thanks to the coaching session with her, I no longer hold myself small. I can finally show myself in my full size without feeling bad about it. That is an incredible relief for every area of my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Chantal 🙏🏽

Stephanie H.

Tanz | Nia® Chantal ist eine fantastische und motivierende Trainerin, NIA mit ihr macht großen Spaß. Scheinbar mühelos und spielerisch wird getanzt, Kraft und Dehnung gehen ineinander über, und erst hinterher merkt man, dass man einen kompletten Workout für den ganzen Körper hatte. Freude an der Bewegung haben sich wieder eingestellt, und die etwas eingestaubte Motorik wird von Mal zu Mal besser!

Ria S., München

Dance | Nia® Through you and your teaching style, I got to know and love Nia. A new life began for me then and continues to this day 🌞 Now I can continue dancing with you. You can't imagine how happy it makes me. 🩷💓🩷💓

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