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Dance | Nia
in Munich

For me, dance is the direct expression of my own being.

Chantal Gagnebin

Be who you are.
Move as you are.

In our fast-paced and demanding times, we often lose touch with ourselves and our bodies. It is particularly important to me to encourage people to be aware of themselves, to move joyfully to music and to find joy in themselves through dancing.


Is dance and movement to music your element?

Let me introduce you to something very special: It’s called Nia.


Nia is pure joy in movement and a holistic fusion fitness concept.

Nia means Neuromuscular Integrative Action. All movements follow the feel-good principle. Elements from dance, martial arts and body therapy forms complement each other.


Short, repetitive step sequences that arise from the music alternate with guided, free parts. As a Nia teacher, I lead the class and dance along.
You will be supported in adapting the training to your own fitness level and needs in a playful way, with plenty of creative freedom.

My first Nia class in 2009 felt like “coming home to my dance and my body”.  After this experience, I did some research on the internet and discovered that a workshop by Carlos Rosas from the USA, one of the two founders of Nia, was taking place in Hamburg.
Excited by this opportunity, I was determined to take part. Inspired and full of energy, I then decided to complete the first stage of the Nia training, which also took place in Hamburg a week later.

With my regular Nia courses in Munich, workshops and retreats, I offer a wide range of opportunities to come into full strength, train the body without pressure to perform and develop your own expressive potential.

Chantal Gagnebin makes a Nia movement and beams
Connect with your body.
Your body is your home!

Chantal Gagnebin

  • Nia trains physical and mental fitness without pressure to perform.

  • The contact with the body and one’s own expressive potential is strengthened and explored.

  • Harmonious movements sensitize perception and stimulate the body’s own self-healing powers.

  • The entire organism is activated.

  • Endurance is trained.

  • Vitality, health and joy of life are promoted.

  • Stress is reduced so that relaxation can set in.

  • Nia is a lot of fun!

Nia - The pure joy of movement

Karin, Munich


A Nia class with Chantal is pure relaxation. Afterwards, I always feel like I've had a short vacation. The choreography is good for the brain and its flexibility. When I dance freely, I can “let it all out” and that's so good for me and my heart! Since I've been dancing Nia, I'm much more relaxed and at ease.

Stephanie, Munich


Chantal is a fantastic and motivating trainer, Nia with her is great fun. The dancing is seemingly effortless and playful, strength and stretching go hand in hand, and only afterwards do you realize that you've had a complete workout for the whole body. The joy of movement is back and your somewhat dusty motor skills improve from time to time!

Ria, Munich


I got to know and love Nia through you and your teaching style. A new life began for me then and continues to this day. 🌞 Now I can continue dancing with you. You can't imagine how happy it makes me. 🩷💓🩷💓

Jasmine, Munich


I look forward to every Wednesday with Nia with you, dear Chantal, since then I am as good as pain-free. I leave the class with positive life energy. Thank you ❣️

Anna, Munich


For me, Nia is a holistic workout that is good for the body, mind and soul. It relaxes and strengthens at the same time. Despite the specific instructions, there is still room for individual expression. And Chantal is a wonderful, motivating trainer who makes everyone feel comfortable, no matter how fit or advanced they are! I enjoy every lesson!

Saturday morning Nia Groove

Saturdays, 10-11 am

Once a month live via Zoom. You can find the dates and conditions under “Offer”.

Nia course
in the Dojo SEIN

Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 pm


You can find the key data, dates and conditions for this weekly course under “Offer”.

1:1 Nia online or on-site

Your individual training

Get to know Nia in a 1:1 setting or train with me regularly.
150€ for 60 min.

Nia course
in the VfV

Mondays, 6-7 pm

For the residents of the Neuhausen residential complex of the VfV - Verein für Volkswohnungen

Come, let's dance Nia together!

Discover Nia classes near you and find the perfect opportunity to exercise, relax and do something for your physical vitality.

Here you can find an overview of my current Nia courses.
Find the right course for you and join in - whether you're new to Nia or have danced it before!

Just join in!

Nia is danced barefoot in movement-friendly clothing.

Neither specific knowledge nor a special physical condition is required.

Everyone is welcome, Nia newbies as well as old hands who want to deepen or refresh their Nia practice.

Chantal Gagnebin lies on the floor with her legs pulled up to her chest


Nia workshops:
Tanztendenz München e.V. // Jugendzentrum "Treff 21" in der Blumenau, beim Mädchenfest // 6. Kursleitertag in Nürnberg und Weiterbildungsseminar in Augsburg für den bvv Bayerischer Volkshochschulverband e.V. // Freie pädagogische Mitarbeiterin an der MVHS Münchner Volkshochschule, Stadtbereich München Ost: Giesing, Bogenhausen, Zentrale Gasteig // Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Betriebsärztlicher Dienst // body + soul Center Lenbachpalais und Center Trudering // 4. Kursleitertag in Nürnberg und Einführungstag in Erlangen des bvv Bayerischer Volkshochschulverband e.V. // SportScheck Allwetteranlage am Englischen Garten //

Nia courses:
Dojo SEIN // VfV - Verein für Volkswohnungen eG // Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Betriebsärztlicher Dienst // Studio Ben // CITA Centrum für Integrale Tanz- und Ausdruckstherapie | Coaching // Dance & Soul Ballettschule // Dozentin am Hasting Studio für zeitgenössischen Tanz // doin - Privatpraxis für Krankengymnastik & asiatische Heilmethoden // Tanz-Studio Urte Gudian // La Danse Schule für Tanz und Bewegung

Nia Videos

The day is lost when we haven't danced once!

Friedrich Nietzsche

Customer testimonials

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